Beyond Quantum Healing (BQH) is a holistic healing method that blends a multitude of spiritual, metaphysical and hypnosis practices to promote self discovery and healing for the mind, body and soul.
As a BQH practitioner, I will be using a combination of regression therapy, intuition and guided imagery to facilitate individuals in exploring their subconscious mind and accessing their higher states of consciousness to promote healing on a physical, emotional and spiritual level.
Why have BQH?
Have you got or ever had a persisting physical ailment, that headache that just keeps on coming back? That ache in your legs or back? constant toothaches? digestive issues? Ringing in your ears? or any other physical issues?
What about emotional blockages? Low self worth? lacking in confidence? Constant anger or irritated? Do you struggle with relationships? Is there someone in your life that you seem to have lost connection with? or just can not get along with?
Or perhaps you're just curious and would just like to know what BQH is all about?
Whatever the reason all are welcome to Pyramid healings. It is an amazingly beautiful, fulfilling experience.
Send me an email and we can arrange a suitable time for your wonderful journey to begin.
Beyond Quantum Healing opens up channels for you to access information that generally most of us in our everyday life are unable to access. You will be gently guided into a deep mediative state before falling into hypnosis. Exciting, right?
Before the session goes ahead, you will be asked questions about your life and any important people or events that have taken place - this is generally for an hour. The interview or questions that I ask are very healing in themselves and allow us both to relax and connect before the session goes ahead. The actual hypnosis part of the session will take anything from 3-4 hours. This may seem like a long time but firstly; it will not feel that long, and secondly; the deep knowledge and understanding that you will acquire during the session is totally worth the 4-5 hours of your day.
During the hypnosis (and this is the phenomenal part) we will access your higher self or guides. The journey you will be taken on will be anything they feel is right for you to experience right now. To help heal or understand certain circumstances that may have happened or keep on happening in your life. Or perhaps any pain that you keep experiencing.
The other exciting part is, you can ask any questions, and when I say any, I mean literally any questions, to your higher self or guides that you want answered. Any spiritual, emotional, or physical questions you have. I will go further into this on the 'How to prepare' page.
As you slip into hypnosis, you may experience a variety of journeys that your soul wishes you to. These could include but are not limited to; past lives, future lives, parallel lives, life between lives, E.T/E.D lives.
As the session progresses and when the timing feels right, we will call in your higher self/guides/angels to step forward and give you the guidance or healing have you have asked for., as well as answering those all important question you may have. So, as we enquire, heal and relax, you may experience, emotions, energy or visualisations.
A BQH session could last up to 5 hours as it involves a brief interview before hypnosis begins. You will be under hypnosis for around 3 hours, but all sessions vary in length.
After the session you may remember everything in detail, small little snippets, or you may not remember anything at all. Don't worry if its the later as everyone receives a full recording of their session via email.
So some key reminders for what may happen during BQH session :
1. Experience some your soul's journey (past, present, parallel, E.T) lives
2. Answer any questions you may have
3. Gain emotional, physical and spiritual guidance and healing.
What happens during a BQH session?
Pyramid Healings
Embark on a journey of self discovery, relaxation and healing.
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